For the past year and a half  Deborah has worked with my 13 year old twin boys who have both been diagnosed with dyslexia. After seeing the boys struggles only get worse the older they became we decided we needed something beyond what the school had to offer.  I began researching different programs that have been deemed helpful with students that have dyslexia.  The basket that my husband and I decide to put all our eggs in was the program Deborah had to offer.  You could not have told me the results we were about to experience.  When starting this program we were simply looking to improve the boys reading skills.  In the short span of 18 months not only has she surpassed what we were hoping for with reading but the skills she has taught them have spilled over into other subjects. Deborah has 100% helped my boys academically but more importantly she has given them lifelong skills that have ultimately given them the confidence to be successful going forward.  There aren’t words to express how appreciative we are for the positive impact Deborah has had on the boys, we will be forever thankful.

DeLayne Myers 

We started tutoring with Ms Deborah right after my sons dyslexia diagnosis. He was very frustrated with reading and low confidence in school. After 1.5 years with her Cowen is a different student. She is an advocate for him and his confidence soars so much that he has become an advocate for other students in school struggling with reading and dyslexia. We cannot thank Deborah enough for turning his journey into something so positive!

April Emerson

I have worked with Deborah as a coworker and a client. I’ve personally seen her in the class room and the results of her private tutoring for both of my sons who are dyslexic. Deb is an incredibly patient and engaging teacher. The kids she works with get the benefit of her excellent teaching as well as her genuine care for each student. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for a dyslexic specialist or general tutor.

Christy Watts

Deborah Restiano is my grandsons teacher for his severe Dyslexia.
Deborah is an excellent teacher who shows a tremendous amount of patience.
Her instruction is so good, my grandson will only do his homework at her house.
He says she understands his dyslexic mind.
We are very happy with her knowledge, skills with the kids and the results of our grandsons progress. I give Deborah high scores and recommendations for her teachings.
We are grateful.

Lisa Laubach

Deborah played a vital part to Jay having confidence in his self. Reading was hard for him. Deborah gave Jay back his confidence and taught him how to read and know he could succeed. We are so thankful for her compassion and mercy for her students. She’s the best.

Jay and Kathy Brown

Mrs. Restaino cares about the whole child. She builds confidence and gives hope.

Rosemary Craig